About » Magnet School

Magnet School

For the school year 2024-25, Wonderland Gifted/High Ability Magnet Center enrolls 155 third through fifth grade students from across the city of Los Angeles.  That number will drop to 154 in school year 2025-26.  As part of LAUSD’s student integration program and the district’s Gifted and Talented Education program, our magnet provides these gifted students with an academically accelerated education that emphasizes complexity and differentiated learning.  Teachers collaborate to design units of study that engage our magnet students in higher-level, project-based learning activities.  Our students strive to develop  critical thinking processes and produce work in novel and unique ways.  Magnet students learn in departmentalized settings where one teacher specializes in math/science and the other in language arts/social studies to emphasize depth over breadth in learning.
Our gifted/high ability magnet program is the best performing elementary program in all of LAUSD, and goes head to head with Science Academy for the rank of best performing school in the district.  When you compare Smarter Balanced assessment scores in ELA and Math, showing what percentage of students met or exceed grade level standards, Wonderland's magnet program ranks either 1st or 2nd out of all the schools in LAUSD in both categories every year since 2015!  The only school that beats us is Science Academy, and when we were 1st, they were 2nd.
If you're looking for a school that will challenge your high achieving child, this is it.  Make sure to click below on the Tours and Info button to learn more about our program and how to apply.  Then use the other buttons to get info from the district's gifted office if needed, to access the Choices application, or to email our magnet coordinator.