Emergency Procedures » Emergency Procedures

Emergency Procedures

Wonderland is locked during school hours. You must be buzzed in at the front entrance to be admitted during those hours. Once inside, please walk directly to the office to sign in. Once registered, you will receive a visitor’s sticker that must be worn while on campus.

Emergency Drills

Fire drills are conducted each month and earthquake drills are conducted twice each year. Detailed Escape Plans and Assembly Area are posted inside the door of each classroom along with a class emergency pack. Click to learn what to do in the event of an emergency.

DO NOT drive to school in the event of an emergency. Roads must be left open for fire trucks, ambulances and emergency equipment. You will get stuck and will not be able to evacuate the area if driving. The wisest option is to legally park and walk to school.

If interested in promoting & ensuring safety on campus, please join the Safety Committee.

In The Event of an Emergency